Find out why Annie’s parents are
superheroes! And how you can be one too
My parents are superheroes. They have magic powers.
Mum. She's the strongest person in the whole wide world.
And my dad. He has laser vision.
Their real power through, is seeing into the future. Whether I buy a car, go to university, get an apprenticeship, or even have my own home.
Junior ISAs are savings accounts so we get to have a brighter future after we're eighteen.
A Junior ISA from Foresters Financial is quick and simple to set up. So I can concentrate on the important things in life.
Family and friends can gift to your account, making it great for special occasions like birthdays. And you can save thousands in every tax year.
We avoid the stresses of making investment decisions. Foresters Financial will do it all for you. From ten pounds a month, it's affordable too.
They already look after the savings of over a million children in the UK. What are you waiting for; visit go to Foresters dot com to find out more.
Foresters Financial is a mutual organisation; looking after its members for over a hundred and forty years. Visit foresters dot com today.

You may not be able to fly, or have x-ray vision, but saving towards your child’s future is a superpower like no other! Your superpower helps give your child the financial support for when they take their first steps into adulthood.
Opening a Junior ISA is simple and can be done in a flash! You will even have access to some nifty gadgets (not quite a Batmobile or web shooter), but we do offer an online account management, MyPlans. With a MyPlans account you can view the performance of the Junior ISA, see fund information and make contributions 24/7. You also have your own local Financial Adviser, who is on hand to discuss your options.
No magical powers are required to understand the stock market, as our professional fund managers at Schroders will make all the investment decisions for you, so you can really focus on what matters today, whilst saving for the future.
Before applying please read the Key Information Document and Terms and Conditions.
You and your partners in crime (family and friends) can contribute to your child’s future, starting from as little as £10 a month up to the contribution allowance of £9,000 for this tax year.
You do not have the super strength like Hulk or the genius intellect like Iron Man; helping give your child a financial boost to their future can make you feel just as powerful.
Superparent, saving for their tomorrow, today.
Savings with Foresters
By saving for your child's future with us you will join a mutual organisation whose Purpose is to enrich family and community well-being. We look after our members by helping them save for the future, protect their families, as well as by actively giving back and making a difference in the communities they live in.
✔ Only one annual charge of 1.5% reducing to 1% after 10 years
✔ Save from as little as £10 a month or £20 for single contributions
✔ Sustainable investing, professionally managed by the experts at Schroders
✔ Personal Financial Adviser on hand for any financial advice
✔ 24/7 online account to manage the Plan and make payments in a few clicks
✔ The child will have access to the money at age 18
✔ At age 18 have access to member benefits
Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. As with all stock market investments the value of your child’s Junior ISA can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than has been paid in.
Foresters member benefits are not regulated and non-contractual nor are they part of the Junior ISA Terms and Conditions. They may be subject to specific eligibility requirements, and they may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice.