
Michael C. (Mike) Edge
Mike is a retired vehicle distribution sub-contractor, specializing in inspecting, collecting and delivering vehicles through Vale Vehicle Movements of Bromsgrove UK, a fleet and vehicle movement and management service.
As Foresters longest-serving Regional President, he has been an integral member of the Fraternal Consultation Group throughout the development and implementation of Blueprint 2015, the extensive refresh of the member network strategy. He brings a deep passion for Foresters, exhibited through his strong leadership and involvement. He received Foresters Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013.
Mike’s volunteer experience with Foresters spans two decades, beginning as President of the St. David Branch in 1997, followed by a progression of successively more challenging leadership roles through Regional Councillor and Regional Vice President, before attaining his first Regional President role in 2009. Mike also volunteers with his village community council, as a member of the village enhancement team.
Mike has been a member of the Foresters Board since 2017; He currently serves as Foresters International Fraternal Vice President and on the Board’s Human Capital and Governance and Fraternal Committees.